Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Pepe47 | | | | | | |
Craw | | | | | | |
Adam | | | | | | |
Elmo | | | | | | |
Mitch | | | | | | |
Rod | | | | | | |
sms09 | | | | | | |
Sammy the snail | | | | | | |
Tomski | | | | | | |
bono | | | | | | |
Hardie |
Decrepit |
Binny |
Bugs |
Bender |
Firiebob |
man of |
evets |
SluGger |
Bully boy fat Basil |
ratz |
fangy |
otts |
Oaf |
(Puf-) fin |
Shane121 |
WazzaYotty |
Morts |
Mad Max |
TOBYchef |
Jonski |
Swindy |
remery |
Auz |
waricle |
Greggo |
Frank |
Rayman |
Rocky |
Hammer |
Lombok |
Katalyst |
The Scud |
Stingray |
Rob |
Sam |
Scud |
Ilya Panagushin |
Average | 35.69 | 34.27 | 20.52 | 23.18 | 27.80 | 47.42 |
Pepe47 (12846km):
4397 days ago 6.6m koncept, 115 rocket, 36cm weedie. Nice session on my lonesome getting the board dialled in. Happy days  
Craw (4307km):
4397 days ago 8.6 rss,136 jp ss,50 ss fin
launched from melville just after 3pm wind was only 15ish ,decided to go for run down to pelican point,stopped in for a while to gas bag with some crew then noticed it had picked up a bit (22-24).after a quick pull on the downhaul headed back upwind at 4pm getting my arms streched somewhat got back to melville and it was over ,wind dieing off.
Adam (8003km):
4397 days ago Safety Bay, WA, AU Futura 101, RS Racing EVO V 7.0 Lessacher Chamelion
Woohoo Alpha PB, knew I had a decent one today but still a lot of errors in my execution which I can iron out.
The Beaver was fresh shaven and oh so smooth today and whats even better the barge took off leaving only one buoy with a short rope that is not really hazarous on it.

Elmo (32096km):
4397 days ago 2 categories   Tabou Thunder 70cm, NP RSR Eiii 7.0m, Tectonics Talon 38cm.
Wind looked ok(ish) so I thought I'd go for an hour just for something different to do. Wind was quite nice when going but I was a bit underboarded coming out of some gybes with little wind, one day I'll suss it out that I should use a bigger board.
Hit a couple of "somethings" out there today which gave me a look around the front and sailed over a small(ish) shark.
All in all a fun little hit out, happy with the 21 for the hour considering some of the dickie starts coming out of gybes.
Nice way to cap of the day.
Congrats to Adam for a stonkin corner which you've been chasing a while
Mitch (3084km):
4397 days ago good sail did few runs down the speed run it was extremily flat got some nice jibes in the bay
Safety Bay, WA, AU
74ltr tabou manta
NP 5.5 v6
24 maui weed speed
Rod (10499km):
4397 days ago fun afternoon session with Adam and Sam once agin Mitch got my manta so sailed the 110 xcite ride 31weedy NP 6.2 RSS
did a few runs down the bever nice and flat Safety Bay, WA, AU
sms09 (12757km):
4397 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU rrd 105lit, tr6 6.6, custom carbon sl35 fin.. Been itchin to get out, feeling alive again Congrats on the alpha PB Adam, and Mitch again on your pb,well done 
Sammy the snail (29353km):
4397 days ago 2 categories   Quick drive back from Sharky and made it on time to have a nice little session with the usual suspect 
Clean speed the Holden's, its really look good guys!! Adam good on ya bod, your feeling was right, nice Alpha.. wld have been nice if you done this yesterday to backup Stropps ..
I could have used a bigger sail, next time I try.. I just recieved a 6.2
Misty47, RSR5.8, Locky23
Tomski (21953km):
4397 days ago 2 categories   Safety Bay & Hardies, WA
Reflex II 7.0, Mistral 112, Vector 36slw
Reflex II 6.2, Mistral 95, 26 weedie
Spent more time driving to spots then sailing them today. Had my eldest boy out at Safety Bay today (planing in the straps on wave gear, junior wave gear anyway) he convinced me to rig so we could sail togeather (it was his birthday). So went for a few runs, then packed up and went to Hardies to try my alpha's vs gps faults again. I borrowed Stroppo's gps for comparison. Turns out the only difference in settings was the version of firmwar. His recorded smoother, better data, even though it was the bottom gps on my arm mounted upside down. For more info see seabreeze forum.
Congrats Mitch......see what happens when you bring your gear.
Sweet corner Adam. You were only explaining how to do it this arvo on the beach ......done well mate.
bono (2104km):
4396 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU