sboardcrazy (24712km):
3496 days ago 5 Mile Lake George SA - 6m Od -79ltre FF -25cm Lessacher weedie then 31 cm weedie. Pretty frustrating session but alpha pb makes up for it!
Didn't realise the wind was so light Daffy said 14-16kts occ puff to 18/19kts S.I've only really been down the full length of the speed run a few times since I arrived so I wanted to try and get used to geting up there in prep for a stronger day Tues. Maybe not stroner now although tents flapping now now..Same old , same old -great starboard tack ' crap port so it took me 3 tacks while everyone else didi it in 2. Still I did finally get the feel if riding the fin upwind..
Came in to try a larger fin but worse.ugh.. Lake is down and even more muddy +shallow to get out and really hard work with the 31cm then it snagged weed all the time and I constantly had to stop and remove it. Gave up in the end and just sailed with it on..Should have gone for an hr instead..
Great to see Bruce here..big surprise as I didn't know he was coming down. My bc is almost full and I really want some pub meals so tried some blackmail today but it didn't work.. Took video of Bruce entering the mud for the first time (think he did a better job than me..) + John had done massive distance today and took his sail into the lake to wash it. He then put it on his head and attempted to walk out backwards in thigh deep sticky mud I videod the whole affair including learning a few more swear words..still wouldn't give me a free dinner so I wouldn't post it here.grr
Bruce said he did a nasty catapult, face plant into the mud..ugh....feel sick thinking of it..
Daffy took my rocket out for a spin..poor thing has never done such a long bearaway or been pushed so hard.. think it will need counselling.. Got 34+ kts on it in those lightwinds..
Last day tomorrow. Hoped to up my 2 sec but not looking likely so may do another hour or if strong enough try for a nm..