Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Glenno | | | | | | |
Darryl | | | | | | |
Borgy | | | | | | |
Subs | | | | | | |
Jay | | | | | | |
Nelson d Foiler |
Windrider |
Coala Bear |
Annie |
Scott |
Nauli |
Cheryl |
Damo |
wog |
Fatmatt |
col |
Jacqui |
Shane |
Windrose |
windy74 |
Jester |
Taj |
Mochero |
Simon |
Russ |
Average | 35.98 | 33.46 | 16.20 | 22.13 | 26.27 | 42.83 |
Glenno (6595km):
2936 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
101 iSonic, 6.7 O/D, 27 Vector S/Weed
Darryl (25155km):
2936 days ago Port Coogee, R5 7.0, Pat 115 AI, Carp 34, An hour was all i needed today, still feeling the after effects of yesterday a little bit. Very gusty for the ocean, never really lined any gusts up at Woodies and not in the mood to hang around too long. Still good to get out and get wet. :)

Borgy (16631km):
2936 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU 7m Severne Overdrive R8, 104 XF, 36 CCF and then 98 XF 27VSW and then 6.2m Severne Overdrive R8
Low energy day . 6.2 works, although I should have stayed on the 7m

Subs (845km):
2936 days ago Safety Bay, WA, AU
76 isonic/5.7 Severne R8/27 tribal weedspeed
Fun afternoon at the pond with Vinny Mike and Jo. Stopped after hearing about the shark sighting out in the bay.
Jay (16025km):
2933 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
Severne Reflex 6 7.0, Mistral 112, SL2 32. Started off on the 7.8/137 and was way over powered, (clocked 35.56 thou). Crashed badly, landing ribs first on the mast. Struggling to breath, I downsized, got back out there 'n acheived the above......, paying for it now, (no one make me laugh).