sboardcrazy (26189km):
1952 days ago Patchy 10-20kts plus NE - NNE Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU level 0.25m
6.2m M2OD - 87ltre iso- 21.5cm FF
1 run - 80ltre is0 - 18cm tribal
It would have been ideal for a sail on the windtech off Coal Pt but I'm recovering from oral surgery and didn't want to risk a catapult so off to Budgy I went. I was hoping to try for an hr or some alphas but it was too patchy and choppy.
One run on the 80ltre but only 10-12kts between the pole and Buff with some patchy ok gusts where the flats usually are.
Came in for the larger board with the FF for security in the chop. If I'd known it was going to be that choppy 6-12" egg carton type chop at times I would have bought the RS2 and enjoyed it a lot more. Too choppy for me to get decent speeds. The weedbeds look drier than last time I sailed . I tried going through but there wasn't much wind in them and the thick foiled FF was a bit too thick.
It was flatter between the pole and Buff ( probably because there wasn't much wind there).
I saw some big black fishy fins undulating in the shallows..?? 2 fish?? No a stingray with it's nose in the bottom and fins stabilising it with it's barbed tail in the air..ugh.. About 2' across the body.
I suppose they are always there but I haven't seen one before.. It made me a bit uneasy walking back in..
Got a few ok gybes but need to practise more. I wasn't really enjoying it so I cut it short.
Rod, Pete , Matt, Alwyn, Pugs, and many more.
