Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Byron Mcilveen | | | | | | |
Mick Saunders | | | | | | |
Murray Towndrow | | | | | | |
Ian Wright | | | | | | |
mick13B | | | | | | |
Tim Ford |
James Farley |
Greg Kiskarpati |
GeoffS |
Big Tom |
nick0 |
John Pearce |
rus13b |
Glenn Rumford |
Steve Walsh |
Andrew Haigh |
adamhatfield |
Hugh |
Bruce Healey |
Ben Turner |
Cluffy |
sboardcrazy |
Bear |
Tibor |
Nige Watts |
Timbotto |
Bostonfoil |
Ant-man |
Woody |
katelyn |
Chopper |
Brent Hopkins |
Craig Forbes |
Where's Leanne |
MobZ |
Croanster |
dutchie1964 |
Ākos Molnār |
dutchie1964 |
Kev |
Brett |
Average | 27.86 | 23.78 | 14.86 | 18.37 | 20.54 | 88.76 |
Byron Mcilveen (65696km):
1503 days ago Coal Point, NSW, AU
foil falcon, starboard 900, duotone 8.9
started coal point sailed to top of lake speers point then back up past CP to Brightwaters and back to coal point again. big up wind all the way from Marmong good sailing with Muz very sore now.
Mick Saunders (12457km):
1503 days ago Marmong Point, NSW, AU 10-15 knts southerly. i did it again....wrong board and sail selection all in lots of rain . another early shutdown. A good turn out.
slingshot 130 76 wing maui 4.7 m
Murray Towndrow (8742km):
1503 days ago Valentine, NSW, AU
Slalom first 136, 7.7 and 44
Then Foil 950, 8.9
Big sail for Murray

Ian Wright (16515km):
1503 days ago Marmong Point, NSW, AU
Light southerly and rain all day. More out on the water than expected.
Isonic 117, loft 7.8 , 41 Vmax. Was OK while rigging but gradually dropped. Still good to get out.
mick13B (2143km):
1497 days ago Marmong Point, NSW, AU