MobZ (2188km):
299 days ago Mungo Brush, NSW, AU - RSone, 8.5 Ezzy, 50cm - The Lake is being tricky to me again. Last time cranking wind and big chop, wooped. This time, i got out and it swung light east. Straight upwind back to camp - ouch. There were a few Hobie kayaks at White Tree with sails and a wing over the other side at Legs camp, Myall Shores. The Hobies smoked me with 1.8meter sails. They seemed to be going as fast me but they defintley were on the beach cooking dinner while i slowly but quick as i could made my way up wind, under the tree's to the beach. Pleasnt sailing using the daggerboard.
It's a bugger that the sea breezes wont come in the week while i'm not working, but i cant complain, the lake is fun enough. Try again tomorrow.