Sammy the snail (29353km):
6218 days ago 1 categories  It has been a long arvo:
I went to sailed in Port Kennedy (18-23 knots, 86L, 5.8, 28 fin), wanted to test near the point and try to find some flat! So 16.30 I took off from the resort and went to the point.
Unsuccess, no flat, the best runs was in fact on the way out..I found it very choppy and the wind had some nasty gust for few after 40 mins I had enough and thought Mandurah must be good with all the wind here!
So I packed up and went to Mandurah, 18.00 there was no one and maybe just enough for a 6.5 so I left for Safety Bay.
At SB, there was still enough for a good sail (13-19 knots), I wanted to test the small Sonic at SB, so I geared up 74L, 5.8, 28 fin and at 18.45 eh I went, I sailed for about 45min before the wind start to die!
I was amased how the little board was going with such lite wind! I managed a max speed of 30.196