Decrepit (55267km):
4015 days ago 2 categories   Not a lot of wind, so bagged out the 6.6, plugged into the 53 with the 29 45d elmo modified. Then Jamie passed by and said "not enough"
I said not enough what? he said, "downhaul, bagging these sails out doesn't work". I should have remembered that from the other day, when I had a hell time on Dot's board. So gave it another cm and got the nod of approval. After 1/4hr I was having a great time effortless sailing and just about keeping up with Sammy. I thought it was worth seeing what sort of hour was possible in these conditions, very pleased with the result. Because I didn't know what the exact start time was, I kept going until an hour after I looked at my watch about 20min in. I stuffed 2 gybes and fell of the plane fairly badly towards the end, but thankfully these were out side the hour.
Think I'm starting to get this big gear sorted, or maybe it's just this place.
Sad to see the Cockroaches leave, it's been great sailing and socialising with them, but there's still some very nice company here, we won't be sailing alone!
A bit too up and down for Dot today, there was good wind when she first went out, but it died before she got into deep enough water to sail. So she came back and in and waited for it to pick up again, which it did 1/2hr or so later. This time she had a few planing runs, but didn't last long before it dropped off again. Too much walking in and out for her to have another go.
Jessica (3km):
4014 days ago Emu Point WA
JP Young Gun 115 Ezzy 2.5
I had lots of fun windsurfing with my Dad, I tacked a couple of times and saw a big Ray come past my board and then it's baby joined it.
It was pretty rough and there were some strong gusts (12 to 18 kts says Dad) .Really enjoyed it hope to windsurf again next weekend.