Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Annie | | | | | | |
Scott | | | | | | |
Stribo | | | | | | |
Nelson d Foiler | | | | | | |
Coala Bear | | | | | | |
Windrider | | | | | | |
Graceman | | | | | | |
Daniel Aeberli | | | | | | |
Nauli | | | | | | |
Annika | | | | | | |
Darryl | | | | | | |
Jesper Orth | | | | | | |
Stevio | | | | | | |
roodog | | | | | | |
Borgy |
Cheryl |
Glenno |
Damo |
wog |
Fatmatt |
col |
Jacqui |
Shane |
Windrose |
windy74 |
Jester |
Subs |
Taj |
Mochero |
Simon |
Russ |
Average | 33.40 | 30.10 | 16.35 | 22.08 | 27.21 | 51.36 |
Annie (14015km):
5872 days ago 5.9M 09 KA Koyote with 94L Exocet Cross
Scott (5272km):
5872 days ago Futura 101, Lightning 6.0, Fin32 - I agree Nelson, nothing clicked. But the new 6 metre felt good. Good PB Graceman, you'll be doing 180 k's in no time!
Stribo (3137km):
5872 days ago Top day
Couldn't get my sh!t together to go to Lano today .Hope all who went are having a good day
My NM was over the sand bank and back again Graceman.I could have sworn that run to PT Wally would have been the best NM The fin was screaming all the way.
Nelson d Foiler (31868km):
5872 days ago 6.6 08 KA Koncept & 96L F2 Stoke
One of those days where nothing clicks
Spent some time on Annie's gear & enjoyed that better
Coala Bear (172km):
5872 days ago too windy for me but i cracked 20 kts! Rock 3.3 & 3.7 Carve 131
Windrider (12879km):
5872 days ago CR5.6, F2SX-S/IS50, 26 fins. Spent a lot of the day as caddy for CB and Mrs Windrider. A good day was had by all! Fastest speed on the little board (though felt faster than just 30), alpha on the F2. Odometer said 180km though reelspeed said 21km . I probably say this every time, but boy that little board is fun to sail - everyone should have one!
Well done CB on cracking 20kn - following Nelson's orders from yesterday!
Graceman (1458km):
5871 days ago JP SS 118. NP 7.2 (Busted Batten), NP 31cm weedy
Some good gusts and some biggg holes, good day out with the team, had a trip with Stibo over to Point Walter which was a dud when we got there.
Great day good company and fantastic team, hope the crew did well at Ledge-> Lancelin.
Saw Lao up at Walter, the nasty person had sucked all the wind out.
Hey Stribo another distance PB!! 
Downloaded the new GPS TC GT and amended some values
Daniel Aeberli (298km):
5870 days ago 1 categories 
Nauli (22132km):
5870 days ago 7.0m Naish Redline, Starboard iSonic 105, Drake 36 (should have used the Choco 32!)
Annika (2359km):
5870 days ago 2 categories   Looks like a pretty good day for most. Nice effort team.
I managed to find a cray line less than 1km from the start of the race. Spectacular catapult (think Bigdog had a good view/chuckle) resulting in a broken harness line. . Ah well. Still a fun weekend.
Darryl (25155km):
5870 days ago 7.6 Maui Sails, 135 isonic, 42 goldwing, Far too much swimming but still had sail. Good to be back on the water. After party still one of the best.
Jesper Orth (3191km):
5870 days ago Jesper sailed. Isonic 122, CR 8.1. Big Vector fin
Stevio (3295km):
5869 days ago 2 categories  
roodog (9007km):
5869 days ago Dannny F2 ,Severne Code red, CHOCO sizes can't remember way too much piss drinking
bigdog needed cement plus, big power chuck free sailing prior to race.
rs racing 5.8 ,isonic 86, choco weed speed28, totally underpowered, but at least one of sails 6.7 made it(via karen j)
Thanks to all the swiss crew for feeding and lodgeing last night
Borgy travelled up to watch,