Mandurah Mob (WA, Australia) - 2014-07-14
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
(Mu-) fin
man of
Sammy the snail
Bully boy fat Basil
Mad Max
The Scud
fangy (22667km):
3579 days ago
2 categories

Nanna's were on my mind today and not for the reason you might think. I had resolved to be steely in my determination to not get sucked into chasing speed today but rather concentrate on my turns. A couple of the Coastal Nannas were out, the Grand Nanna of them all,Stroppo, showing what can be done when you have a chair better than anyone else's. Or so he thought.

Today I psyched him badly. For today he saw my Nanna chair. My Nanna chair monsters his on sooo many levels. For a start mine is waterproof:so that when you sit down with full bladder and swollen prostate (which is common amongst the older Nannas at Coastal) you can happily solve the problem with no repercussions for the long term health of your chair. More importantly, my Nanna chair can be used by muppets. It has a specially constructed rebate to allow perfect positioning and insertion of a new spine. This is important should you find that one day you have a spineless muppet in your team.

So I rigged at Wamba and after a brief discussion with ‘Slightly turning blue Fin’ I decided I would go with Koncept 6.6 and QEII with Decrepitpinnacleofmylifesworkweedy33. I was rigging small to remove the temptation to go blasting off on downwinders. I was there to do corners, nothing else. 

I was finishing rigging when I noticed the leaves in the trees had stopped rustling. A sure sign that Captain Calm was nearby. Sure enough he piloted the Commode into our midst and pronounced that all available minions were to go for an Hour today. I looked around, and was a little dismayed to find I was the only minion in sight. So I dutifully launched the QEII down the slipway and proceeded to try to knock out an hour. 

I sailed over the horizon and ended up at Boombas where I hit a weed berg but saved it before being launched around the handle bars.This was my first Nanna incident. I remembered my kids G’ma D, in no uncertain terms, voicing her displeasure at team members making long runs unaccompanied. I comforted myself in the knowledge that if she ever does find out I can blame the Captain. In fact it might almost be worth having a decent stack over here in the Antarctic wastelands just to get him in the poo.This triggered a check on my surroundings to see where the Captain had got to. No sign of him. 

I headed North across the estuary in search of my Captain and eventually he came into sight. It appeared that he had not left the flats at Fangy’s. Probably just tuning I thought. I noticed the real estate was starting to get rather close so I threw in a gybe and headed for Albanakhastan again.

After completing another spinal fusion session on the chop across I was enjoying the smooth at Boombas when a some fins broke the surface. Hmm, not dolphin,…get closer, ..hmm not shark…hmm get closer, what the hell is it?

 Now Boombas is copping a bit of run off these days and has the water clarity of the Mekong river. This means that the a lot of earth is suspended in the water, but there is still a lot of it underneath too…that you cant see.

Back to what are these fins breaking the surface? I am happily cruising at a respectable pace on the big girl so as I go over the top of the fins I see the answer. It’s a stingray with its wing tips breaking the surface. A millisecond later it occurs to me that I have only ever seen that occur in really shallow water! I pulled off an emergency gybe and still did not hit the real estate. I think I am starting to have a Lego Movie day (everything is awesome). 

Back across the estuary Northwards. Shorten a few more vertebrae and get ready to wave to the Captain, who must be following me across to knock out his hour. Oddly still no sign of the Captain until I get to the flats again. I am a minion, so I do not wonder why.

And so it goes on until on the final run across I spy the Captain charging off down into Boombas a bit further downwind. I throw in a gybe a head north looking forward to having a rest as my legs are starting to complain. I pull into shore and have a natter with Nanna Stroppo who is having a little chuckle about something to do with chairs.


After a few minutes there is still no sign of the Captain. A brief discussion follows and Stroppo breaks out his GoGo Gadget front pack. I am loaded up with spare harness lines from Stroppo and spare rope from BlueFin and set off to go and find him. 

I charge off south again and immediately my legs are having a whinge. But the thought of G’ma D berating me for losing her husband drives me on through the discomfort - it still seemed the easiest option despite the pain.

Of course the wind picked up and swung a little at this stage so I had a mental downwind run for 8kms, desperately searching for a sail in the water or a dejected figure walking through the shallows to the east. I start wondering how I can fashion a splint for a broken arm.

On and on I went and started to make plans on how to break the news to G’ma D. This kept me going. My back leg started to cramp a bit but I was to scared to admit defeat just yet. I considered just stopping and floating for a bit on my board so I could get a better look around for a sail in the water, when I spied a channel marker over near the Boombas shoreline. 

Wait a sec, there is no channel there!? Oh thank the Blessed Mother of Windsurfers, its the Captain! And yes he is sailing back, and yes he seems to be sailing quite well and yes he has just gone straight past me …going north …at quite a speed….

He does not appear to be in any strife at all…At least until I catch up with him…

Chuck in a gybe and head northwards and home. The wind is still a bit stronger and I had visions of battleships in the North Sea ploughing into heavy swell against leaden skies and driving spray. Finally over to the calm of Fangys and I am well stuffed. I simply sail into shore and go and sit with the still chuckling Stroppo - this chair thing has him well amused…

The Captain meanwhile dose his usual beautifully balanced gybe and heads out again. 

Bugger me !

I am not going after him this time, so I just sit and watch and breathe a sigh of relief when he simply gybes at the outer bank and knocks out a few alphas.

Eventually the Captain comes ashore and is well chuffed with his day. In fact I think we were all well chuffed with the days sailing. A Top Ten Fangy day for sure.

I still cant quite figure out what Nanna Stroppo was chuckling about with the chair thing …I guess I will see the photos soon… 




(Mu-) fin (15418km):
3579 days ago
1 categories


                          Mama gave me a bandage and said it was allright to go play outside.!  Laughing

A nice day for a sail, Strop was alredy out with, I think it was Fudge,and some others.Later joind by Fangman and Decrepit,

for some fun on the water.


       old Carve 99,  6m Lightnig,  26- 45o bitsa custom weed.   Max spd-28.302kn.    Wind mostly stedy,from 13-25 kn.?

Elmo (31413km):
3579 days ago
1 categories

Tabou Thunder 70, NP RSR E6 6.4m, JP Weed 36cm,

Woke up this morning to the heavens unloading, and water coming through the roof in my kitchenYell a great start to the day.

By 8 oclock the wind had blown itself out not that it mattered there was work to be done.

Went to check the damage on the roof about lunch time surprised that it was still a bit blowy, finally found a use for f'ken bootiesSurprised they're brilliant for clambering around on a wet tin roof.

Eventually I was able to get out only to find Decrep back in his cunning disguise of a mild mannered retiree, who advised that hours were the target, I optemistically said I'd give it a go knowing that I'd be cutting it fine with daylight and not wanting to go to far at that time of night have the speed knocked about by many many gybes.

Still gave it a bash, never realy powered up the whole time had to seriously picked the gybe spots in the gusts even then it didn't allways get me going. Found something which F'ken booties aren't good for..... Windsurfing!!!!!!!! bloody clown shoes!!!!!!

Was going alright till I hit a monster hole and had to chug back to shore, when I got there a bit of a squall came through and I was able to give it another go where I got my peak speed, then flagged the session.

Thanks to Nanna Mike for hanging around and kepping an eye on us (I'm a limp dick who doesn't like sailing alone)

Congrats again Fangy and Fin for some sweet PB'sCoolCoolCoolCool

Decrepit (54506km):
3579 days ago
6 categories

Had a lot of fun today, but firstly thanks to fangy for convincing me to rig the 5.8 and not the 6.6, and also of course coming to check on me through all that horrible chop.

When I arrived the wind was fairly light, but fangy reminded me it was forecast to pick up, so the 5.8 went on the 53 with the 26cm weedy.

Plan was for hrs and alphas with maybe NMs if possible.

Had a run into south yunderup saw lots of weed burgs but going south with the sun behind they were easily avoided. If I'd been thinking clearly, I'd have realised that going north was going to be a very different proposition!!! So on the way back I kept feeling some heavy thumps on the fin, and couldn't see the burg until I was almost passed it. Then of course the obvious happened and I hit a big invisible one and straight over the handle bars I went.

Made my way carefully back to fangy's but all I was going through was chop, no good for an hour! So this time instead of heading for south yunderup I pointed a bit higher towards boombas, this time once through the chop I had 4.5km of flat water and no weed burgs, so I played around there to my hearts contrent. It ocurred to me to check the time and found I'd out done my hour by over 20mins, Thought the boys may be getting a bit worried so headed back to meet Fangy halfway there, went for a few alphas when I got back, but was a bit tired by then so nothing exceptuional happened.

Gps visulizer image, don't know where the speed colour code went, anyway pinky violet is the fastest, the orange the slowest.


peel inlet tracks

 Longest run 8.9km


3579 days ago

great read Franga and congrats on those PBs.  we get some decent sized mantarays up this way and they love impersonating the men in grey suits - i think they do it on porpoise.


3579 days ago
Hey Fin, a sweet stack of PB's man. Congrats! And thanks Snags - always nice to hear I am not boring everyone to death:-) But 'porpoise' - worst 'Lame Dad joke' ever!

3579 days ago

WooHoo boyz sensational PB'sCool

Martin Worling

3579 days ago

Congrats on the PB's guys


3579 days ago

Congrats on the PBs fin.  Just enjoy them as they become rarer and rarer the more you sail.

Frangaman, knew you'd love my lame dad joke.


3579 days ago

Great PB's Fin and Fang nice workCoolCoolCoolCool

Fanngy unless there are photo's of the chair you may as well name it Schrödinger's

Respect to Stroppos seat it's out in fair weather and foul

(Mu-) fin

3579 days ago


Thanks Hardie. Sausage, and Elmo,  It's great to get all these PBs at this early stage into the chalenge.    Smile

and Thanks to the rest as well.  Cool


3579 days ago
Elmo, I am pretty sure Stroppo has compromising photos of said chairs in compromising positions, just waiting to hit the internet...I am waiting for him to post. Woohoo Cap'n ... Nice numbers for the day. That has restored the natural order of things and bumped us up past those pesky Pinnaroos..for the moment anyway.

3579 days ago

Well done fangy and fin, nice PBs, and you deserved those jelly beans, (although the muppets post might pinch some from you)

(Mu-) fin

3579 days ago



      Some nice numbers ther too Decrepit.!

    Elmo!! you managed to get some reasonable numbers yourself, in those conditions. 



3579 days ago

Welldone on all the pbs Ross and Pas Cool top stuff fellars!


3579 days ago

Mike, great numbers all round - bragging rights for the day!

Sammy the snail

3579 days ago

well done guys on the pbs Cool, look like the mobs had fun Tongue out


3579 days ago

Some very impressive hours and alphas there guys, well done!


3579 days ago

Congrats on the pbs and once again people are wondering why Im chuckling at the work computer. Screenplay time Fangy!!!


3579 days ago

Congrats on the PBs Fangy and Fin Cool

Elmo - it's a chair not a cat Wink


3579 days ago
JJ, yes it's a chair, but is it alive or dead or both? The same might be said for Elmo of course.... And thank you Larko :-)

3579 days ago

A "super-position" to be in Wink


3579 days ago

Great read Fangman. I especially live the lego movie reference. Great PBs to both you and Puffin


3579 days ago

JJ - ' superposition( only slightly better than Snags porpoise) so does that mean if I had alive or dead or both chair, with alive or dead or both Elmo, sitting on the chair, I then have entanglement? Or simply a chair I should never use again?

John - "Everything is awesome Everything is cool when you're part of a team..etc" But oddly no mention of muppets on your team being awesome - who would have guessed?


3578 days ago

Larko, don't encourage him!

JJ, I assume that in fang's super-position he would be a sitting wave on his chair, not a standing one Wink


3578 days ago

John next time i reference the Lego Movie I will type in 'Black or very very dark grey'Laughing


3578 days ago

Congrats on the PB's Franga and Pooffin Cool Another great MBM read again, thanks CoolLaughing


3577 days ago
Thanks Fairybob:-)
ray gun

3577 days ago
Nice going fangman sweet pb's.

3577 days ago

If I can see one of Elmo's feet has a bootie on it can I predict if there is one on the other foot? (Does this question ring a bell for JJ, Fangman and Sausage?)


3577 days ago

Hmm interesting question Evets. I think Elmo would only superposition if he was on the chair. In that case the answer would be yes, no and both. If he was standing ( please note: NOT a standing wave this time Snags) then if you could only see one bootie i would guess the other one is in transit for impact with your backside. Only a theory at this stage Evets, so I am happy for your to do some field experiments. Please share the photographs of the outcome..just in case we have another paradox you understand:-)


3577 days ago


First you have to ask yourself whether he has another foot, and if so it may or may not be a cat before you start thinking about booties Wink


3576 days ago

Hmm he has feet that are furry and he is a bit of a pussy so you might be right, he is in fact a cat....or not.Undecided


3576 days ago

Does  an observation of Elmos footwear help us understand some of the content of EPR ?

You will note that in the picture below Elmo (uncharacteristically, in this picture, in a beret) can be seen with one pink boot. Since we have knowledge of Elmo we can predict that on the other foot will be a non- pink boot.

(Bell, Bertlmanns socks and the nature of reality, Journal de Physique or Gilder L., The Age of Entanglement)

Is a non-pink sock like a like a non pink chair?


3576 days ago
EPR=Elmo Pussy Riddle....Ok, so if I am following you guys correctly, to summarise : Elmo, may or may not have a non pink pussy, subject to his superposition on the chair and the degree of his entanglement with the booties that he may or may not be wearing. Right?

3576 days ago

Are you sure there's such a thing as "right"????? That's implying absolutes, and surely all is relative?


3576 days ago

They didn't name the planet Uranus for nothing you knowEmbarassed


3576 days ago
Because if you are a cat you can lick your own, or if you are a pussy you are next to one, relatively speaking of course..

3576 days ago

Being one is not the best thing in the world you know, but it is next to itEmbarassed,  anyway back to topic, during our current space travel we were on our way to Pluto when we decided to drop in at Uranus, I hate the place, I reckon the place stinks, anyway I couldnt stand it and said I wanted to quickly move on, but oh no, Binny had to go on a fn wildflower walkEmbarassed, 3 bloody hrs thru this smelly gas filled stink hole, about 2 metres visibility at best, a space suit that feels totally claustrophobic, for something we could do at Cervantes back home, but "Oh No, we;ve come this far, we need a break, its good to stretch the legs" A to B is what I reckon Earth to Pluto no stopping,  Been on Pluto 5 days the red dirt is finally getting to me, onli 2 more sleeps and back in the spaceship for 2 days of solar system darkness, the old bloody back cant handle these long spaceship rides anymore Embarassed.........  See you guyz erli next weekCool



3576 days ago

Fangy, I think you are on the right track, as the wave function collapses (or is it a folding chair collapsing?)  we may (or may not ) be able to determine the momentum or position of Elmo's pink booty. It is obvious we cannot know both the momentum and position of the aforementioned footwear because it is a product of the length of the plank on which Elmo is riding the wave and the speed at which he is about to enter an alpha.

But of course on another world (or is that many other worlds ) a matrix (mast) has just exploded as another evets types on a violin composed of vibrating stings.

Out of left field theory arrives Hardie traveling towards us on a relativistic speed space-ship which appears to us to be traveling slowly (or is that quickly) while Hardie ages more slowly than us........ but still suffering from back pain.


3576 days ago
Evets, I think this could be solved if we used a Infinite Improbability Drive, in which case all the possibilities of the ElmoPussyRiddle would exist and we would be subject to suffer only the most improbable ..probably. It would also solve the Hardflowers existential aging crisis...probably. It would even account for the difference between the Met eye and Seabreeze forecasts...probably...not.

3575 days ago

Hmm, I had a pair of slippers with infinite improbability drive, they were fantastic, I wonder what happened to them.

Any body seen my I I drive slippers???



3575 days ago

They're really comfy, you can have them back when it gets a bit warmer


3575 days ago
The probability of that is almost infinitely low, so you might just get lucky with that Cap'n. That's assuming the iidrive hasn't been Elmo'd...

3575 days ago
II slippers eh Decrepit? Another awesome product from the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation. I am a fan of the doors, "glad to be of service" 
is a phrase all household goods should utter after successfully completing thie purpose in my opinion.


By the way I lost my towel recently, very distressing. This is something that would never happen to my friend Elmo. Only today I overheard a stranger say ""Hey you sass that hoopy Elmo? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is".



3575 days ago

The last time I remember wearing them, I was on the way to resue hardie, some unscrupulous B had injected his testicles with nanobots, and was

controling his sexuality by remote control. Poor bugger was worn to a frazzle!

May be I lost them then?


3575 days ago
Oh no, Hitchhikers guide tragics as well. What have I done??

3575 days ago

with a hint of the dwarf thrown in at the end


3575 days ago

Stuck in Uranus (Karratha) Regional Hospital atm, waiting for either an RHDS (Royal Hypersonic Doctor Sevice) flight, or a Commercial Space Flight, apparently the RHDS is overbooked at moment.  You take one slightly time misstep in the Carbon Mudflats of Uranus searching for Carbon Mudcrabs, and ya break ya leg in 3 places Yell.  My Hero Son Rory carried me through mud and shrubds using the Fireman Rescue position, then flew me in his space-scooter to Uranus Regional.  One out of luck Hardie out of windsurfing for a minimum of 6 months, which is a real killer for meSurprised


3575 days ago
I was wondering about how they got you off the mudflats last night. Rory must be lining up a part as Hercules after that effort! I hope you are being looked after and are bearing up ok - just a tip for social lepers/bass players:whilst you are in hospital, Benny Hill behavior around the nurses is no longer acceptable or funny, quiet contemplation of dodgy websites on your iPad is now the preferred pastime-it's the reason we invented the internet after all :-) And since you will be sitting around a bit, do you want to do some of my homework?

3575 days ago

LaughingYes Rory is a 100kg Rugby fwd, and one of their training drills is to carry 100kg men around in the fireman position over the shoulder, for 100 meteres, but not through mudflats and rugged bushland, a true hero


3574 days ago
Yeah he has gotten off lightly, imagine if he had me to carry, the combined weight would have pile driven him into the mud!