Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Frant Bucek | | | | | | |
Jacques Kint | | | | | | |
Monty | | | | | | |
Red | | | | | | |
Grant Finlayson | | | | | | |
Marcus Karlen | | | | | | |
Jas | | | | | | |
Average | 35.49 | 32.86 | 17.56 | 23.23 | 27.68 | 108.45 |
Frant Bucek (477km):
5463 days ago Not quite enough wind but 8 windsurfers out on the lake. I am still rigged and may go out for an evening blast if the wind picks up a few knots as forecast.
Sonic 85 Koncept 6.6 24 cm Lessacher weedfin
Jacques Kint (17886km):
5463 days ago What a turn out today, great to sail with everyone, wind was a little up and down but when it was in it was nice. Chasing top speeds all day trying to crack a better one but could only manage 33.4. Went back out, wind had filled a little and found a little run and managed to crack out one good run and a few quicker ones to finish the day.
The weed is starting to get knarly now
f2 SX Small, Tushingham X15 6.4, select weed 30 and Flying objects weed 26.
Monty (1469km):
5463 days ago
Red (15302km):
5463 days ago 1 categories  Tough day at the office - wind was all over the place and was just a matter of getting lucky. Best turn out of sailors I've seen for a long time.
Sonic 85, KA Koncept 6.6m, Lessacher chameleon 24cm
Grant Finlayson (426km):
5463 days ago Sorry for the late post,was watching the kiwis end that magnificant winning streak of the aussies.Speeds are on a garmin gps which lester run through ka72.Best speeds on missile 23cmka assy 6.6 koncept.gotta love the stink of mud on your feet.
Marcus Karlen (452km):
5462 days ago Sorry for the even later post.
Not much in the speed department but a lot of fun , smooth cruising. I felt really comfortable with the big sail even when the wind picked up. Great to see heavy trafic at the lake (even I was there)
Hyper 105, select weed, Severne Code Red 7.7
Jas (770km):
5462 days ago great day sailing with all the boys. lake connewarre. koncept 5.8 tommen rs60 slect weed 32 bit under powered on the 5.8 but was great to test out the new sail loved it want a bigger one now