DanP (6466km):
4748 days ago Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Man what a great day!!!! Woke up with a raging hang over from the island Toga party Sat PM, lay in bed and watched offsiders, then went out for breaky with Ez. Back to the bungalow & the union was on TV so watched the Aussies pump italy, then the AFL started straight away so watched that, then the NRL started and watched that. Realised it was Sunday and that some of the team may be sailing back home so thought i better get on the water since i've missed both Saturday's with trips to Direction Island. Headed to the beach, sailed from 3:30 - 4:45 came in for a break and quick drink, then back on the water about 5. Did 1 run out and back then on the 2nd when i started to gybe i had Jez a bit down wind of me so had to keep going... and going... and going. Ended up on the beach at home island 10km away. Looked at Jez with a smile and said well... better go back now.
10km down wind from home to west island in 12mins. Jez said the best he's done it in was 10 mins so not bad for a rookie i reckon.
Finished the day with some beers on the beach as the sun finished going down. I could seriously get used to this.