Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Bear | | | | | | |
Anthony Houston | | | | | | |
Geoff Broomby | | | | | | |
Jodi | | | | | | |
Klaas Hartmann | | | | | | |
Kaleb Smith | | | | | | |
Dave Morehead | | | | | | |
Gordo | | | | | | |
Fos | | | | | | |
Kazza | | | | | | |
Jez | | | | | | |
Russell Dowd | | | | | | |
Al Bach |
Anthony Perkins |
Izaak Perkins |
Stewart McKay |
James Brient |
Jordan Murray |
Richard CS |
Johno |
Jack |
Ray Thorne |
Jason |
Tom |
Fubbs |
starboardsailor |
Paul Tenteye |
Easty |
Marlon |
Sim |
Azza |
Ben Wilson |
Waynos |
geared4knots |
Will |
Liana Perkins |
Corkers |
veitz |
Shorty |
Matt Webster |
Jules |
Johnny |
Al |
cookie |
Parky |
Barry |
Hughie |
Sampson |
Breno |
Fletcher |
Todd Sushames |
Jimmy |
TGale |
Dave Jack |
Old Man Steve |
Jock C |
JimoKG |
brad peters |
DJ |
Angus C |
James Park |
Kelso Pete |
Chol |
Latte |
Parky jnr |
WickedP |
mort67 |
VT |
Tom Males |
Average | 34.79 | 33.19 | 22.54 | 23.58 | 29.76 | 143.60 |
Bear (9236km):
4769 days ago Marion Bay, TAS, AU Nice afternoon with quite a few of the team out .
Isonic 101 7.8 blade and exocet warp slalom58 7.0 blade
Anthony Houston (2200km):
4769 days ago Marion Bay, TAS, AU
Great day, I think I need a new fin, thta's my excuse anyway
Geoff Broomby (43878km):
4769 days ago Rosevears, TAS, AU
another late seabeeze sail.
7.2 Infinity Screamer 129
Jodi (491km):
4769 days ago MarionBay,Tas, Au
5.6 code red, isonic 80, venom 26
Klaas Hartmann (1373km):
4769 days ago Marion Bay, Cross 120, Koncept 5.8, Natural 6.7
Awesome day on the bay, with many, many out there. Was keen to have a long session without being too overpowered so rigged a bit small. 5-10knots less wind than last Monday.
Kaleb Smith (21269km):
4769 days ago 1 categories  Marion Bay, Tas, Au
6.1 Code Red(rigged real shitty like on a Ezzy RDM), Isonic 80, JP 84, Venom 32
Dave Morehead (30011km):
4769 days ago Marion Bay, TAS, AU
What a great day down at Marion!! Heaps out, hot, sunny and quite a bit of wind!! Never really howled in. Sailed iSonic 86, Reflex III 6.2 and Venom 34cm.
The pressure was on with a six pack up for grabs for the fastest 5x10!!
Gordo (3836km):
4769 days ago Marion Bay, TAS, AU Back from a week in the rain at the Gold Coast and into perfect balmy sailing conditions at Marion, loved it.
Sonic 95, NP 6.5
Fos (2071km):
4768 days ago big day of changing conditions nad rigs
I used the 6.4 KA and 7.5 Ezzy
Also the 130 Xcite ride and 106 exocet
Marion Bay, TAS, AU
Kazza (14036km):
4768 days ago 1 categories  Marion Bay, TAS, AU
5.4 Overdrive 86slim Isonic 28 Venom
Beautiful blue sky day, 30 degrees and a nice NEaster and just about everyone who sails in the south was there. Felt like WA or Maui.
Jez (11680km):
4768 days ago Marion Bay, TAS, AU
Starboard isonic 86, KA Race 6.3 and FO weedy 28
Fun day sailing with heaps of people out, it really is paradise down there! So good to sail in boardies Had fun chasing Dave and Russ around, still have a lot of improving to do!
Russell Dowd (7146km):
4768 days ago Marion Bay, TAS, AU
Made my other card work finally just a bit higher, but not enough!!!
Cheers Russ
Super Fun Day. I had a blast Naish Grand Prix 2010 80 (sweet board) KA Race 6.3 (my best race sail ever) and Vector Delta 25 (hot Fin!!)
5 x 10 comp was on!!! and Dave was giving it everything out there, Well Done Dave!!! In fact everyone went so well off the wind today.
I hoped for more wind, but it was about 20 -25 max today. Still Heaps of fun. good to see so many on the water.
Highlight was Jodie pb speed (I think) well done anyway I thought you were Kaleb you looked very fast....