Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Greg Kiskarpati | | | | | | |
John Pearce | | | | | | |
Andrew Haigh | | | | | | |
James Farley | | | | | | |
Byron Mcilveen | | | | | | |
Hugh | | | | | | |
Tim Ford |
Mick Saunders |
GeoffS |
Big Tom |
nick0 |
Ian Wright |
rus13b |
Glenn Rumford |
Steve Walsh |
adamhatfield |
Bruce Healey |
Ben Turner |
Murray Towndrow |
Cluffy |
sboardcrazy |
Bear |
Tibor |
Nige Watts |
Timbotto |
Bostonfoil |
Ant-man |
mick13B |
Woody |
katelyn |
Chopper |
Brent Hopkins |
Craig Forbes |
Where's Leanne |
MobZ |
Croanster |
dutchie1964 |
Ākos Molnār |
dutchie1964 |
Kev |
Brett |
Average | 36.60 | 34.74 | 18.68 | 21.75 | 29.49 | 94.89 |
Greg Kiskarpati (21208km):
4410 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU 33.1 on the iso 75 wide and 33.86 on the 44 wide speed board , go figure ,
Good sail with Byron , Mick ,Milsy and pugs , everyone was looking super fast
John Pearce (5081km):
4409 days ago 1 categories  Marmong Point, NSW, AU
Andrew Haigh (50954km):
4409 days ago 1 categories  Coal Point, NSW, AU
Started off in the morning with Fanatic XXX and 5.0 wave sail. It would have been a blustery 30 kts. Went out again at around 4pm with Tim, this time eith a 6.0 for a more relaxed sail
James Farley (12826km):
4409 days ago Marmong Point, NSW, AU
iSonic 97, Mauisails TR8 6.6, Maui Ultra 34 / 38 - Wind S 10-18 kts
Squeezed out of work half hour early, but ended up not quite early enough. Wind was nice when rigging, and had a couple of sweet short runs on the 6.6 before it died. Tried a bigger fin but just felt slow. Strange to feel cold!
Well done guys on your PBs - Canton was the place to be today!
Byron Mcilveen (65696km):
4409 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU 6.6m Maui sail on 44CA with 23cm home made weed fin. Blowing 20 to 25knots
Well what a day loved it. heaps of people out some alot earlier than me. Unfortunatly would have loved to keep sailing but had to go to work.
almost 100km on a speed board with out coming to shore for a break typing this at 1 am after working I am feeling good but will sleep well.
Had a few runs over 39 knots and felt realy comfy wanting more wind and 40 knots will be smashed there.
Hugh (11029km):
4409 days ago Marmong Point, NSW, AU