Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Astrid | | | | | | |
Greybeard | | | | | | |
Hawk | | | | | | |
Shifu | | | | | | |
Rudi | | | | | | |
Pale Rider | | | | | | |
Haggar | | | | | | |
Helga | | | | | | |
Knut |
Magnus |
Vindr |
Gmac |
Box56 |
Shield Crusher |
Happy |
Gusto |
Moz |
Robbo |
Kenlo |
Dylan72 |
???? |
Murf |
Ragnar Lothbrook |
Average | 27.41 | 26.22 | 17.40 | 19.24 | 23.66 | 93.36 |
Astrid (22178km):
4112 days ago 1 categories  Golden Beach, QLD, AU light gusty NNE wind had a few runs on my 6.6 hsm gps and lorch 102 slalom then rest of the time on Gav gear, 7.0 Pryde and JP slalom, thanks Gav had to leave to get to the school but didnt really seem to be building much more anyway.
Greybeard (15861km):
4112 days ago Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU
iSonic 76, NP RSS 7.0, Vector Rockit 34
Hawk (36193km):
4112 days ago 1 categories  Golden Beach, QLD, AU high tide today 102 jp 35 select 7 evo v
Shifu (37578km):
4112 days ago 2 categories   Queens Beach, QLD, AU
Yet another cranking afternoon at Queens Beach. I am not sure if my body can withstand all this sailing. Top drawer windsurfing with Ulf and Haggy.
Ezzy Cheetah 6.5, Exo Cross 104, Black Project Type R 35.
Rudi (43093km):
4111 days ago 1 categories  Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU...Exo 100lt 7.0 o/d...Not a bad sail,wind was northerly and consistant, but quite choppy at times.
Good distance effort to Helga and the Black Knight
Pale Rider (7193km):
4111 days ago 1 categories  Queens Beach, QLD, AU
Queens beach with Haggar and Ragner the machine.
Magic Ride 104 , Fusion 6.1. Another lovely windy day in Recliffe. Lots of tuning and adjusting today.
Nice one Haggar you have it . Mine was 27.65. incredibly close. Well I'll drag out the F111 tomorrow early and do some speed runs 
Haggar (19168km):
4111 days ago 1 categories  Noice at Queens - a great sail with Ulf and Ragnar, really nice day today, and earlier on the wind was really consistant, and had my kit really tuned well. Rags and Ulfs unending focus on Alphas is making me try harder at gybing, I pulled off one planing gybe today and happy with the Alpha. Ulf had a new toy, thats always interesting : )
I deleted some suspect data from my track, I think it looks pretty good now.
F111, SB 6.8, Venom 38
Helga (25510km):
4111 days ago 1 categories  Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU 7.5 koncept 131 f2 & 113 fanatic
A good sail at the lake. Plenty of wind and a bit choppy in the middle of the lake. The 7.5 handles these conditions well. Had a gps a hiccup - it wasn't showing any max speed so at 8nm had to turn it off and start again. I have combined the two files