Mike Sinclair (25059km):
3785 days ago What a session! Loads of wind and steady. Not very flat tho' and lots of exciting rides.
Ran all the first part of the session with not enough downhaul and knew it but too much hassle to change.
Couldn't get comfortable so gave in and went for more Dh. This operation is a major at this spot because there is nowhere to hide from the wind and doing downhaul is a major without risking the gear flying away while it's disconnected, found a clump of low reed bed and hid behind this while I disconnected the rig from the board.....very dangerous proceedure, but success, 1cm more DH and then the long hike back out to deep enough water to take off. First run 40.8, then 40.95 much better control and no more  wheelies on the bear offs. Only problem, everybody had packed up and gone. Taylor had gone long ago and Dan had just had his biceps blow up and so I was 'o solo mio'...didn't feel safe so I packed it in with my last run the best.
Brilliant session, more of this please Hughie.
Mykz SP8 44cm, Maui TR3 5.1, Mykz Asy 21 fin