Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
X | | | | | | |
. | | | | | | |
A.D.Z | | | | | | |
Frothie | | | | | | |
Milos | | | | | | |
Wayno | | | | | | |
Otis | | | | | | |
Pugs | | | | | | |
Mehore | | | | | | |
Bill | | | | | | |
Royce | | | | | | |
Chris Christensen |
Adam |
Mike |
Fergo |
Beaker |
PD |
Jamie |
Matt D |
Josh |
Troy Botting |
WadeM |
Macca |
The Flying Mullet |
The Salty Pom |
Greg |
Stu |
Maui Paul |
Loclan |
Babylon |
Vic |
JD |
LB |
Sneaky Pete |
Loic |
Tom 069 |
Mick Hay |
Sam K (AUS-1811) |
Santo Kay |
Rob75 |
Nathan Clift |
Doolander |
Jimmy |
Vally |
Andrew |
ColinSmith |
Average | 34.82 | 33.17 | 17.82 | 20.42 | 27.27 | 50.22 |
X (4599km):
2900 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU not having much luck this week. Just as i was getting settle in and up to the flat water my harness hook broke
. (49698km):
2900 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
A.D.Z (349km):
2900 days ago 1 categories Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
2009 Naish Slalom Pro and 2011 7.3 Ka Koncept - always good to blast with the crew
Frothie (4243km):
2900 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU. CA 225l, Maui 9.3, Delta 30cm. WOW How great is using a sail smaller than a10m!!!!!!!
all felt great after ajusting harness lines etc. Felt great to use smaller gear the world has changed again! Woo Hoo
DOWN SIDE Repair boom cracked again.
Heaps of Smugglers out and some others I reckon there could be some good scores? A bit to much north in it alot of chop away from the bank, but I felt IT WAS PRETTY AWESOME! I hope everyone had a great sess.
Milos (2532km):
2900 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Wayno (16997km):
2900 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
HSM 6.6 CASL55 19 Delta NNE/NE 15-26 knots plus a thunderstorm thown in for good measure.
Heaps out today all enjoying the great flat water.
Al from LM was there again and looked fast but did not have a GPS today but I reckon he was close to 30 knots a few times. Great stuff all.....
Otis (1761km):
2900 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Pugs (10835km):
2900 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Mehore (24127km):
2900 days ago 2 categories Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU. Bit of a bizzare sesh today. Felt like I could of gone faster with some real nice gusts from the N/NNE 15/25 maybe at times. But all the angles were fucked up so didnt complimate the run. Then a huge thunder storm come through which sent most in with the wind eventially shifting round to SW and blowing its ass off for about 15 minutes. Welldone all! 7.1 Ka Race 100 Patrik 20 Kestrel. Go Marauders
Bill (7220km):
2900 days ago 1 categories Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Royce (1634km):
2899 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
A quick little session before the show (lightening and all) Tried my new long harness lines (Ion race - thanks Steve W for the tip) they're great.
I missed the best of it (I believe) - still good to be on the water. - I love the flat water
CA SL55 Simmer 6.3 18 Kestrel