The West Coast Speedsters (W, United States of America) - 2017-06-03
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Roo Jr.
Terence B
Terence C
Marc van B
David Brittain
Roo (15534km):
2529 days ago
6 categories

Hood River Waterfront Park, The Gorge, USA

Naish SP80 Loft Race Blade 5.6 vector Volt 29

Gusty day, lots of current and loads of debris in the water. Nailed a branch at speed and went over the handlebars, luckily no damage. The jibe ARoona was very choppy with big waves running through and gusty wind. Hard to nail a good alpha, suppose I shouldn't be unhappy with a mid 23 knot turn, most people in the USA have trouble hitting 20! Trying out fins again after the success a few days ago, plugged the Volt 29 into the 80 and it worked a treat, will be the go to setup from now on. The GW60 and Android GPSLogit both showed a peak of 36.836 today, one at 5hz and the phone at 1hz. The 2 sec was 35.350 for the phone and 35.356 for the GW60. The GW60 had an alpha of 23.546 knots at 499.1 meters versus the phone at 23.543 at 496.6m. 


Barton (5511km):
2528 days ago
6 categories

Langlois, OR, US - Floras Lake

Sailworks Retro 7.5, Goya Bolt 115 L, MFC KP-42 Wind: 10G20 NNE

Somewhat disappointing day with a couple of learning nuggets. First time out on the Goya Bolt 115. For theses winds it is an improvement over the Bolt 95 but today I would have needed at least a 125L (probably 135L) and wide board with a bigger sail. One other guy sailing - he was on a Bic E-Rock and a Sailworks 9.1 sail - he was planning most of the time but looked underpowered ... That said, I had about 30 minutes where I managed a few decent runs in the gusts. Once on a plane the board handled nicely and even underpowered I was able to complete a few jibes on both port and starboard tacks. I think the Bolt 115 will be my go-to board at Waterfront Park when winds are in the 15 to low 20 knot range. It has enough floatation that even with almost no wind I'm confident I can easily sail it back to shore - a definite plus with the holey/gusty Waterfront Park winds.

My learning nugget was that some of the symptoms I was attributing to being woefully out of shape (feeling flush and lightheaded) were actually due to being overdressed Surprised.  After the 30 minute session of decent wind I shed the fleece top under the drysuit - what a difference. I was now ready to go but alas, no real wind. In thinking back 20 years I may have worn a rash guard under the drysuit but definitely no thermal fleece. I had no idea the fleece would make such a difference.

Hopefully the wind will exceed forecast tomorrow so I can put some kms on the Bolt 115.

My Goya Bolt Armada...


United States of America
2529 days ago

Glad to see you got out Barton, I was expecting to see you in the Gorge. Hope you get more wind tomorrow, we should have some here.


United States of America
2529 days ago

Last week the forecast looked really good for Floras so I made reservations at the county park by the lake - expecting to get Claudia and her allergies out of the valley so she could breathe again. The forecast crashed the day I left and Claudia decided she had too much yard work to leave, so I came solo. It was just as well that she didn't come as the scotch broom is in full bloom in the coast range mountains and on the coast - and she is very allergic to it... 

I might make it to the Gorge later this week depending on the forecasts. [edit: good chance I'll be at Waterfront Friday until ... Claudia says it is time for me to get my butt to the Gorge Laughing] The week after is booked up with doctor stuff - Claudia having cataract surgery on her right eye plus post-op appointment, me finally seeing the autoimmune specialist at Casey Eye Institute for the eye tumor - plus some scheduled maintenance on the 'Hilton' so that week is shot Frown. Hoping the week of June 19 has wind as I'll be getting grumpy if it doesn't...