sboardcrazy (24697km):
2245 days ago Peel st Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Started out a patchy 10-23kts NW then c 25kts WNW to c 30kts as I came in.
Level .38-.39 so choppy getting to the flats ( especially once it kicked in ). A lot of 4-6" chop and some flatter stuff.
5.7mR8 - 80ltre iso- 18cm FF
Started out underdone and trouble getting up to the start. Started to get a few nice gusts and then it was getting too strong to try to gybe ( or I was just buggered). Then it kicked in 25+..I could see the whiteline/ mist of whitecaps over the other side..Walked up the shore untill I got a good angle to clear the points then waited for a lull to come in.. 2" plus rollers so I was really glad I had the FF in.. A delta would have been deadly!
I've got another headcold and just ran out of puff really early..strained my arms getting back so when Lyd's came in saying he couldn't hang onto his 5.7m and it wasn't fun I decided to call it a day. I'll wait till I'm healthy and fitter to use the 50ltre..
After 3 years of missing out on the westerlies I finally get one .. and I'm not sure I want them....Ok for you 100kg buggers..
Got a 33.05 on the dial but it was obviously just a spurt and was knocked down..
Gareth , Rod, Jeff , Lyd's, Mark & Maree ( not a good day to try and get back into it after a few months off)...+ others..