AlfaMale (19726km):
1962 days ago 1 categories  Testing the race setup for next weeks WindFoil comp!
Went to Ramsgate, with a 10-20 kt SE breeze, moderate at arrival around 15-18 so tested the 800mm wing and 7.7 sail.
Good, but not great upwind. Then switched to the 1000mm front wing, and could easily feel the better upwind angles!
But the bigger wing feels more fickle off the wind...
Anyway it was good to try a few different pieces on the same day, even if the wind did pick up just after I swapped to the larger wing!
I was happily sailing downwind,... enjoying the swell lines and learning to have fun rather than panic, when THUNK! I hit something unseen and well below the surface (I'd been paying attention because there was a lot of weeds and twigs about!). My brand new FMX now has a bloody nose! Urgh.
Sail was fun, good practice session but unfortuantley no 10m sail just yet to complete my quiver... here's hoping for a miracle this week!