sboardcrazy (26189km):
1487 days ago 15-20 then 18-22kts The Spit Lake George, SA, AU sailed 4- 7.20pm
5.5m Mach2 - 80iso- 18 atomic delta
then 6.2m M2 OD
Well it wasn't the glass I was expecting but what a day!
There were a few good flatspots and 10-15cms chop and rollers eslewhere.
Rigged too small at first. I was only powered up occasionally . I could have done with less over in the chop over on the western side going for gybes..Think I got the alpha with the 5.5m but over on the E side...Not a bad gybe, not my best but within the radius and fully maxed in and out.. Might be room for a high 22 or even 23kts alpha.. I'll keep trying..
Missed an Alpha PB by .04kt 
Got one decent puff in the flats for 32.6kts..After an hr or so I decided to rig bigger.
As I was rigging it seemed to be dying down and the lake flattening out but by the time I got back out it had kicked in to a consistent 18-23kts and I had a ball!
I never really got into the sweetspot with my upwind stance. I'd just get setup then a chop would bounce me out again..Not used to the fin yet..
Daffy was following people around with the Go pro. He came up close behind me and yelled what I thought was 'slowdown"so I did.. 
Apparently I was supposed to keep going..
I did this epic run later It could have been the nm.
I started out maxed out in the bigger "chop'' then through the flats and out into the chop at the other side where I got the 2sec.
I was yodelling the whole way and he was just behinnd me but the Go pro battery had died.. Bugger..
I couldn't snag the strongest stuff in the flats but would get it in the chop after. I've never been able to get those sort of speed in 10-15cm chop before but I got a run up in the flat and hit the chop in the strong stuff.
I was 100% confident with that fin. It's a little beauty!
The first time I've noticed the yucky the lake is this year.. It smells of guano and tastes almost as bad as 2015.. I wonder if all the rain has affected things? It was pristine last year.
I was surprised at the distance.. I was just having fun. I could have stayed out later but I was the only one left out and wanted to drive out in convoy..
More please.
Daffy , Wendells, Jill (?) Andy, Ian , Bruce , Andrew and others.
