Sailquik (29888km):
1794 days ago Lake George, South Australia.
A few more knots more wind than yeaterday as I had hoped. Still not enough for the speed board but very nicely powered up on the IS80 slalom board for a 1 hour. I was hoping to do a knot better than yesterday but really surprised myself. That board is superb across the wind for a slalom board that size!! No way could I have gone that fast and comfortable on the old IS87.
I started high up the lake and worked my way downwind to try and keep the speed around 28-30 knots. It is a really nice challenge and balancing act to run off the wind a few degrees for speed but not end up at the bottom of the lake before the hour is up. Pretty happy with what I managed in that respect.
When I finally got back uo the the top of the lake the wind seemed to be easing off so I called it quits.
Thanks to Waricle for the companny. 
ya' should have stayed cap'n. 
IS80 (2017), 2020 KA Speed 5.7m, Tectonics Speed Demon 21. GW-53.
