Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
conan | | | | | | |
the new guy | | | | | | |
Roar | | | | | | |
AlfaMale | | | | | | |
Sean Dayhew | | | | | | |
Larko | | | | | | |
Where'sDave? | | | | | | |
Lee Condell | | | | | | |
Marty1970 | | | | | | |
Chris Ting |
Sam Parker |
JB |
Craig Hammond |
table top russ |
Spanners |
Andy B |
Allan Gleeson |
AG1 |
Spencer Harris |
Rossco |
Wysey |
Eel |
AUS154 |
ayden |
Ndorfin |
Average | 34.37 | 31.58 | 18.23 | 21.24 | 25.23 | 89.64 |
conan (20216km):
4447 days ago 2 categories   st george sailing club , formula racing ne 15 kts , 10 racing a good roll up , good wind , littile bit of weed, good compertition
the new guy (37314km):
4447 days ago Kyeemagh NE 15 -> 25 gusting close to 30
iSonic 90, Loft Switchblade 7.3 36cm Talon
iSonic 90, KA Koncept 5.8, 32cm Goldwing
The seabreeze switched on at 15 knots but was a bit patchy up at Kyeemagh. I spent the first hour doing runs across the bay to Kurnell until the wind filled in. Then it switched up a gear to 25 knots and it was time to change sails/fins. It was such a great day on the water! 

Roar (11958km):
4446 days ago 2 categories   Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
AlfaMale (19726km):
4446 days ago Well that was fun... and about as much as I can handle on a 7.0m sail!
Stacked a few lay-down gybes, but pulled off about 5 as well. Getting pretty good at them, if I do say so myself.
Can't wait for the photos!
The forecaset was for 20kts but weeeeee had gusts of 30!
New PB too. Software said 34.48, besting my prior record at 34.40 on the GT31! Last run and i called it quites, my arm was so tired I couldn't even gybe after getting back upwind from that run... exhuasted!

Sean Dayhew (8784km):
4446 days ago JP 101, RSR IV 7.0, talon 38 / 36
Kyeemagh, 20-25knots
Solid breeze & not too lumpy. Good to get some speedy runs along the runway, need a smaller board! and the track to show my 33.37 2sec peak.
Larko (11478km):
4446 days ago 2 categories   Booti Booti, NSW, AU
Awesome day up at Booti Pt. Great bunch of guys and girls and some wicked conditions. Got there early enough to rig a 7.0 for a couple of runs then change down to 6.4. Sweet runs out to the big chop and then bear aways in the flattish water under the bank.
Great conditions and heaps of sailors out. Super glad we called it for today, big thanks to Gabe and all the locals who have made a sweet area.
Cool to catch up with old sailing friends and meet some new ones. Kinda bummed I didnt get a PB, GPS showed 34.93 and felt great but got knocked back.
Falcon 99, Evo IV's 7.0 and 6.4, 24cm reshaped.
Where'sDave? (5360km):
4446 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
SS109 - Loft O2 6.6 stock fin
Rigged to smal for thel early afternoon by the time the wind kicked in it was time for me to go.
Lee Condell (1293km):
4445 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
Fanatic Falcon 99 litre with H2 6.7m and 36cm fin.
Marty1970 (1104km):
4424 days ago Narrabeen Lake, NSW, AU