sboardcrazy (26017km):
1942 days ago 20-35kts plus NW - WNW Peely Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU level 0.25 m
4.6m KA Koncept - 70ltre Patrick - 16cm tribal delta
Maybe I don't hate NW's..
2sec and 100m ( 36.59kts ) PB"s
Yee haa! I've lost a bit of interest in speed sailing lately as we haven't had any flatwater for so long. Today re ignited my interest..
Got there at 10.30 wind was up and down came in strong at 12ish and I didn't really feel like going out. I was having trouble walking into the gusts and thought I'd be flattened 
Strong and choppy getting down to the bottom but for once there was a nice big flat area.. Mm potential here - flatwater and strong wind..
It was still a bit patchy but i got one run 35.11kts odd and was pretty chuffed with that. I wasn't really aiming for anything..
Some really strong stuff came through so I went for it. In the middle of the run I scored a mega gust and it felt like the gear & I were going to be lifted but I got it back together and bore off..I reckon you could have heard me yodelling from the shore in adrenaline..about a 8 yodell run..  
I was stoked to see the 2 sec..

I didn't score anymore good gusts when I was in the right spot in the flat. I was hoping for a better 5 x 10 but by the time it really kicked in I was too tired and an accident waiting to happen. I did a lot of walking today..
It's been a long time since I've been out in such consistently strong wind as the walk in. I had to sit out some gusts and at one time there were willi willies going past ahead of me and the lake was smoky. I'm glad that missed me!
Matt , Greg , Milsy , Pete , Norm , Victor , JD and LD.
I'm buggered but happy..
